Monday, December 20, 2010

Monday morning crafts

I love Monday mornings. It's our stay at home morning. I get stuff ready for Abby on Sunday night and she always has exciting stuff to do while I get the housework started.

Starting with a Christmas coloring page

We moved on to making a winter scene with puffy stickers I got from Michaels on clearance...

We also made a Santa hat and Abby glued the cotton balls on the trim. I thought these were good fine motor and sensory activities and Abby enjoyed them and it held her attention for a while!
Abby did rip the hat off the penguin sticker and put it on her head LOL

Tad a!

It's been chilly but at least today was sunny and we were able to go for a walk..

Not sure what we are going to get to the rest of the week bc we have some more Christmas shopping to do....


  1. 0h I can see these! I guess I better check out all the posts before I claim I can't see any! hah

  2. I can't see a lot of them either! Wnder what the deal you have a blog? Heat do you use for pics?
